Emilia Po river experience

Discover the unmistakable landscapes of the Po River

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Would you like to discover with us the unmistakable landscapes of the Po River?

We present Once upon a time there was a Drop, a tourism promotion project that offers different opportunities with the aim of learning about the Great River and its territories.
The idea was born from the collaboration between Unione Bassa Reggiana, Unione Pianura Reggiana and the municipalities of Calendasco, Castelvetro Piacentino, Gattatico, Polesine Zibello and Sarmato, in order to enhance the Great River, its territory and history.

Water is the element that unites these places, marking their traditions, economy and landscapes. Don't miss the opportunity to explore the natural and cultural circuits proposed, with the possibility of creating your own tailor-made itinerary for a personalized experience! 
The plain is the ideal destination for getting around on a bicycle or on foot, among picturesque corners scattered in the green fields. Along the routes, you will encounter dedicated signage, with anecdotes and curiosities about the territories and the possibility to listen to audio messages to fully immerse yourself in your surroundings.
The Bassa is nature, but it is also tradition and culture: the scene of battles and trade links with other places, the backdrop of numerous cinematographic works, the subject of paintings and snapshots, it offers visitors several museum circuits that will allow them to retrace the past of an area that has always been inextricably linked to the Great River that flows through it.

Finally, do not miss the many initiatives that take place along the Great River Auction. Each year there are many events involving both historic centers and natural areas. 
You will be able to find all the guided tours, concerts, food and wine events, river cruises and cyclotours in one calendar, so you can better organize your visit.

A complete overhaul of the Terre di Po e dei Gonzaga tourism portal www.terredipoedeigonzaga.it was carried out with sections dedicated to cross-cutting projects, audio guides with content on tradition told by local people, Unique Events Calendar, new routes and new content.

We are waiting for you for an unforgettable experience on our territory!

1. San Martino in Rio 
   Ciclovia Emilia
   Rocca di San Martino in Rio
10. Guastalla
      Ciclovia naturalistica Luzzara Brescello/ Lido Po
      Piazza Mazzini                    
18. Sissa tre casali   
      Rocca dei Terzi   
2. Correggio
   Oasi di Budrio
   Palazzo dei Principi
11. Gualtieri
      Isola degli Internati
      Piazza e Palazzo Bentivoglio
19. Roccabianca - Fontanelle
3. Rio Saliceto
    Oasi naturalistica all'interno delle Casse di espansione del cavo Tresinaro 
     (località Ca' de' Frati)
    Chiesa di San Giorgio Martire
12. Boretto
      Porto Turistico
      Circuito Museale (Casa dei Pontieri, Museo del Po e della Navigazione
       Interna, Museo della Bonifica)                                      
20. San Secondo Parmense
      Rocca dei Rossi
4. Campagnola 
     Oasi Lipu Celestina
     Corte di San Bernardino da Siena
13. Brescello 
      Foce Enza del Po/Area naturalistica Enza
      Piazza Matteotti
21. Polesine Zibello
      Oasi di Polesine presso il Porto turistico  fluviale
      Palazzo Pallavicino
5. Novellara
   Valli di Novellara e Reggiolo
   Rocca dei Gonzaga
14. Poviglio
      Oasi ex Cave Corazza
      Museo della Terramara Santa Rosa
22. Busseto
      Museo Nazionale Giuseppe Verdi
6. Fabbrico
   Collina degli Aironi
   Chiesa parrocchiale Santa Maria Assunta
15. Gattatico 
      Fiume Enza
      Museo Casa Cervi
23. Castelvetro Piacentino
      Ponte di Po
      Chiesa di S. Giovanni Battista e Palazzo Comunale
7. Rolo
   Area di riequilibrio ecologico Via Dugaro
   Museo della Tarsia
16. Sorbolo Mezzani
      Museo etnografico casa delle contadinerie
24. Calendasco
      Zone golenali
      Castello di Calendasco 
8. Reggiolo
    Palazzo e Parco Sartoretti
    Rocca di Reggiolo
17. Colorno
      Reggia di Colorno
25. Sarmato
      Torrente Tidone
      Castello di Sarmato
9. Luzzara
    Golena (Cava Luccio, River Park, Porto delle Garzaie, Via Alzaia)
    Torre Civica






>>> Download the list of accommodation and bike rental points.





Last update 18/07/2024