Don Camillo and Peppone Museum

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    Via Cavallotti, 24 - Brescello
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    Culture & Castles


Don Camillo and Peppone Museum

Thanks to the enthusiasm of a group of passionate volunteers of the village, Fernando Paris, Mauro Savio, Maurizio Allegri, guided by Erminio Bertoli, on 16th April 1989 the Peppone and Don Camillo museum was inaugurated. 
It has an interesting collection where one can go back to the past, admire posters of the films, examine in depth new anecdotes and admire unique pictures and original film props; first of all the “Guzzi” side-car. Moreover, one can find an assorted bookshop.
The Brescello and Guareschi, the territory and cinema Museum was opened on June 21st 2009 and it has been designed to create a place where to collect the testimony of the ancient activities of the village. An area is dedicated to the life of farmers in the 50’s and of the flood, which happened in 1951. On the first floor one can see a reconstruction of a film set, discover an exhibition of photographs about the backstage of the filming and the technique used for special effects.

At the Archaeological Museum one can find some archaeological artefacts discovered in Brescello from the end of the XIX century. The town was indeed an important Roman colony, which controlled the traffic on the route of the River Po during the Ist century BC until the Ist century AD. The visit to the museum starts with a display of objects related to a small Necropoli of Brixellum, with original stele and a plaster copy of a part of the Monument to the Concordi Family.
The second part of the museum is dedicated to the Roman type of houses, with a mosaic floors and the reconstruction of the inside of a typical “domus” and “insula”. It is also possible to see an interesting documentation, realized by Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici dell’Emilia Romagna, about the various usage and different models of amphoras found in the village.

Last update 17/11/2021