The "Parks of the Duchy" in Parma and Piacenza

The parks of the Duchy welcome you to their unspoiled nature

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  • Duration
    72 hours
  • Interests
    SPA & Outdoor
  • Target
  • First stop - Taro River Regional Park (Parma) Fornovo di Taro

    The symbol of diversity.
    The Taro River Regional Park protects the river stretch between Fornovo and Pontetaro (PR), and it extends over about 2,000 ha (more than 3,000 if considering the adjacent area).
    The managing Authority has been working for years to safeguard this important natural corridor, where highly natural places, agricultural areas and other zones, that have been deeply changed by man, live together.
    It is a very important protected area, since it is a migration route and nesting place for many bird species, and it represents an ideal place for green tourism.

    A few kilometers far from Parma's town center, it is the perfect environment for easy excursions, itineraries for cycle tourism and mountain bike, for birdwatching and for the proximity to other places of historical and landscape interest: the Ettore Guatelli Museum and the Parco Boschi di Carrega.

  • Second stop - "Boschi di Carrega" Regional Park (Parma) Collecchio

    The refined atmosphere of the ducal woods.
    Established in 1982, the "Boschi di Carrega" Regional Park was the Region Emilia Romagna's first Park.
    It extends over the Quaternary river terraces between the Taro river and the Baganza stream, in the municipalities of Collecchio and Sala Baganza over about 1,270 ha (2,600 considering the adjacent area too).

    It safeguards a woody hill area of great natural, historical and cultural interest.
    The beautiful landscape shows woods alternating with stable meadows and arable lands crossed by many brooks and small artificial sheets of water created for landscape and irrigation purposes between the late 1800s and the early 1900s.
    If you like history and art, the Park also keeps some precious architectural jewels, such as the Casino de' Boschi.
    Carrega woods offer many interesting elements all the year round, and the Park promotes several cultural and environmental education activities for schools.

  • Third stop - "Cento Laghi" Regional Park (Parma) Monchio delle Corti

    A welcoming landscape and typical products well-known all over the world.
    In the "Cento Laghi" Regional Park, the presence of different altimetric levels (ranging between 400 and 1,650 m above sea level) guarantees a noteworthy variety of environments and a high level of biodiversity.
    A still intact environment, where nature combines with human life to originate the agricultural-food excellences that are well-known all over the world, such as the PDO Parmigiano Reggiano and the PDO Prosciutto di Parma.
    A territory where people works… and live!

    A welcoming "middle-earth" between the big cities of the Po Valley and the isolated and wild ridge between Tuscany and Emilia.
    Established in 1995 as "Parco di Crinale dell'Alta Val Parma e Cedra", after the establishment (2001) and the expansion (2010) of the Appennino Tosco-Emiliano National Park, the Regional park reconfigured its territory and changed its "mission".
    Not only the safeguard of the beautiful environments rich in nature and almost completely uninhabited, but enhancement of the mountain rural landscape, which is still in a good conservation status and rich in biodiversity, agriculture, typical products, culture and tourism.

  • Fourth stop - Trebbia River Regional Park (Piacenza) Rivergaro

    Water and Biodiversity... treasures to discover and protect!
    The Trebbia River Regional Park protects about thirty kilometers of the water course of the same name, from Rivergaro to the confluence with the Po river, by the western borders of Piacenza's urban area, the upstream section of the confluence, about five kilometers far from the Po river's bank near Piacenza.
    The landscape is mainly occupied by the Trebbia's exposed riverbed, which is remarkably significant for the migratory avifauna, and by the river terraces where grasslands and shrublands alternate with traditional agricultural cultivations and areas still dedicated to mining activities.
    Within the Park there are two Sites of Community Importance and Special Protection Areas (SCI-SPA) of the Natura 2000 Network.

  • Fifth stop - Stirone and Piacenziano Regional Park Vernasca

    A stream between walls rich in fossils.
    The Stirone and Piacenziano Regional Park, as it is now, was established in late 2011 through the union between the Stirone River Regional Park and the Piacenziano's Geological Nature Reserve.
    The Stirone Area lies between the provinces of Parma and Piacenza, in the municipalities of Fidenza (PR), Salsomaggiore Terme (PR), Alseno (PC) and Vernasca (PC), and it develops on both sides of the stream, with an average width of about 1 km, from the locality of La Villa, upstream, up to the bridge on the Via Emilia, in Fidenza.

    The Piacenziano Area develops all over Piacenza's territory, and it safeguards the nine stations of the former Reserve that are separated one from the other and distributed in five different valleys, all belonging to the municipalities of Castell'Arquato, Lugagnano Val d'Arda, Vernasca, Gropparello and Carpaneto Piacentino.
    The whole Park is extremely important from the paleontological point of view, thanks to the remarkable presence of fossils dating back to the Tertiary and Quaternary periods, which made this place famous in the international scientific world.

Last update 27/08/2021


IAT Fornovo
Via Monsignor Malpeli 2 Fornovo di Taro (PR)
+ 39 0525 2599
Tourist Information Office Sala Baganza
Piazza Antonio Gramsci 2 Sala Baganza (PR)
+ 39 0521 331342
Tourist Information Office Monchio delle Corti
Strada Parco dei Cento Laghi 4 Monchio delle Corti (PR)
+ 39 0521 896618
IAT Bobbio
Piazza San Francesco Bobbio (PC)
+ 39 0523 962815 Opening: Annual

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