Cycling through Parma's food museums

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The Museums of Food bike circuit routes, which complement the Pedalart itineraries and were created in collaboration with FIAB, run on low-traffic roads in the foothills of Parma and the Po River.

  • Interests
    SPA & Outdoor
  • Target
  • Tassonomia Operatori
  • Parmigiano Reggiano Museum and Culatello Museum Soragna

    The first, departing from the Fidenza train station, leads to the Parmigiano Reggiano Museum in Soragna and the Culatello Museum in Polesine Parmense, passing Busseto

    Two museums on the banks of the Great River, revealing a magical and unexpected world, and a great bike path.

  • Pasta Museum and Tomato Museum Collecchio

    To visit the Pasta Museum and the Tomato Museum, leave from the Parma train station to pedal along the Taro Valley and reach the ancient Corte Grancia della Benedettina di San Paolo di Collecchio

  • Wine Museum Sala Baganza

    Passing through the Boschi di Carrega Regional Park, the historic hunting estate of the Farnese Dukes, we then reach the Wine Museum, in the evocative cellars of the Rocca Sanvitale di Sala Baganza, exciting for its frescoes and the rooms on the piano nobile. 
    On the first hills, Malvasia vineyards and the tangible memory of Garibaldi's visit.

  • Salame di Felino Museum and Prosciutto Museum Felino

    It is Felino Castle that is home to the Salame di Felino Museum, the destination of another beautiful bike route that starts from Parma station and passes through Torrechiara Castle to the Prosciutto Museum in Langhirano, where you can experience the history of the king of cured meats. 

  • Porcini Mushroom Museum Borgo Val di Taro

    To visit the Porcini Mushroom Museum, on the other hand, one must follow the Alta Val Taro loop, departing from the Borgotaro train station to pedal through the historic center, rich in stately palaces, memories linked to Elisabetta Farnese and fine churches. 

    Then a stop in Compiano with its ancient village and castle and in Bedonia with the ancient Seminary of San Marco is a must.

Last update 03/08/2022


UIT Soragna
Via della Repubblica 3 Soragna (PR)
+ 39 0524 598932
Tourist Information Office Sala Baganza
Piazza Antonio Gramsci 2 Sala Baganza (PR)
+ 39 0521 331342
Tourist Information Office Borgo Val Taro
Via P V Manara 7 Borgo Val di Taro (PR)
+ 39 0525 96796

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