Walks and guided tours in Fidenza

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Over woods and ridges
Sunday 8 September, 7:30 a.m.
A circular route that follows panoramic ridges leading from Tabiano to San Vittore. These are paths that were also used for devotional reasons as they connected the three Sanctuaries of Montemanulo, Mariano and Careno. We will walk along part of it in the suggestive morning light and then return to the starting point through wooded areas.
For info: click here.

Neighbourhood stories
Saturday 14 September, 4:30 pm
Strolling from one end of the city to the other and crossing alleys and squares, we will recount our beloved Borgo.
For info: click here.

Harvest Supermoon
Wednesday, 18 September 2024, 6:45 pm
It seems that it was originally called this because the brightness of the moon allowed harvest work to continue into the night. We will just catch the beauty of its reflections on the village of Tabiano Castello and the surrounding hills.
For info: click here

The Tale of San Donnino
Saturday 28 September, 4:00 p.m.
Why not introduce even the youngest citizens to the story of San Donnino, the patron saint of Fidenza? We will do it in a simple and fun way, telling them a beautiful fable right in front of the Cathedral. There will also be a final moment to make a simple craft.
For info: click here

Tel 0524 83377, mail iat.fidenza@terrediverdi.it , www.terrediverdi.it,  FB Terre di Verdi, IG terrediverdi.

Last update 15/01/2024