Events at the Ghirardi Nature Reserve

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  • Place
    Borgo Val di Taro
  • Networks
    SPA & Outdoor

Forest Bath
Sunday 30 June, 28 July, 25 August
Forest bathing is a practice of connecting with nature that originated in Japan in the 1980s under the name SHINRIN-YOKU, literally translated as "immersing the senses in the forest atmosphere". It is not a hike, it si not a workout, we will not cover great distances, we will walk slowly and consciously in the woods; we will live together an experience of freedom and non-judgement rediscovering that relationship with the forest that perhaps we had forgotten for some time. Compulsory booking via SMS to 3497736093 by 6 p.m. on the previous day. Cost per person: 20 €.

European Moth Night
Saturday 6 July
In these nights in all European countries moth enthusiasts light their light traps to discover which species of nocturnal butterflies fly among the flowers meadows, forests and gardens of our continent. Join our entomologist to discover the shapes, colours and extraordinary life habits of these insects. Booking required via SMS or Whatsapp to 3497736093 by 6 p.m. on the previous day.

Surrealist Collages
Sunday 14 July
Art and recycling workshop. By recycling old magazines, large collages will be made developing a theme of your choice. Fashion, furniture and nature magazines will be on the table to create large images of imaginative worlds. Participants: 10 children aged 4-12. Free activity. Reservations required via SMS or Whatsapp to 3497736093 by 6 p.m. on the previous day.

The tears of San Lorenzo
Tuesday 13 August
The night of the Hesperides, the cloud of cosmic dust and debris that passes through the Earth's orbit every year, gives rise to the meteor shower or, more poetically, shooting stars. Lying on the lawn above the visitor centre, we observe the phenomenon together on the day of maximum intensity, interspersing the observation with a look at the planets through the telescope. Compulsory reservation via text message to 3497736093 by 6 p.m. on the previous day.


Per info: +39 3497736093,, visita the website, instagram

Last update 25/10/2023