XNL Aperto

Contemporary art exhibition in Piacenza

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  • Place
    Via Santa Franca, 36 - Piacenza and others places
  • Events
    Art and exhibtion
  • Interests
    Culture & Castles
  • Date
    2024 Sep 14 - Jan 6, 2025
  • Price

On 14 September 2024 the third appointment of XNL Aperto, a project spread throughout the city and dedicated to contemporary arts, gets underway in Piacenza

Private galleries, exhibition centres and museums host exhibitions and events.

The focal point is XNL Centre for Contemporary Arts, which opens two new exhibitions. The show Sul Guardare Atto IV is an exhibition dedicated to Valentina Furian (Venice, 1989), with a reflection on the forms of power in the relationship between animals and human beings starting with the equestrian sculptures by Mochi in Piazza Cavalli. Alongside this exhibition, XNL Piacenza also hosts Out of the Grid. Italian zine 1978-2006. Post-movement pre-internet 3.0, a project by artist Dafne Boggeri dedicated to Italian editorial self-productions.

Debates, openings, performances and guided tours are planned throughout the day.

Details on the official website.


  • Via Santa Franca, 36 - Piacenza (Piacenza)
  • Via Nova, 55 - Piacenza (Piacenza)
  • Via Sant'Antonino, 33 - Piacenza (Piacenza)
  • and others places
14 September 2024 - January 6, 2025
Info on the website
  • Free

Information offices

IAT R Piacenza
Piazza Cavalli, 7 - Piacenza (PC)
+ 39 0523 492001 iat@comune.piacenza.it Opening: Annual
IAT Bobbio
Piazza San Francesco - Bobbio (PC)
+ 39 0523 962815 iat@comune.bobbio.pc.it Opening: Annual
Last update 05/09/2024

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