Una Boccata d’Arte

20 artists 20 villages 20 regions

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    Art and exhibtion
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    Culture & Castles
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  • Date
    Jun 24 - Sep 24 2023
  • Price
    See the website

In Emilia-Romagna the village of Travo (PC) hosts the artistic intervention La montagna è ancora in movimento by Raghad Saqfalhait
Opening: Saturday 24th June, 2023 at 11am and at 7pm 
Teatro Organico Perduca and Cantine del Castello Anguissola – Travo

Una Boccata d'Arte is back from June 24th to September 24th, 2023. This contemporary art project is promoted by Fondazione Elpis in collaboration with Galleria Continua and with the participation of Threes. Every year, 20 villages throughout Italy, one for each region, welcome 20 artists, Italian and international, of different ages, backgrounds, and practices.

Palestinian artist and architect Raghad Saqfalhai presents La montagna è ancora in movimento (The mountain is still moving) - لُ لایزا لُ الجب ركّ یتح , a project that shows attention both to the stories of the inhabitants of Travo and to the area’s millenary geological history. This new stage of the long-term project The Geography of Craft, which began in Jerusalem in 2021, merges the material landscape flowing beneath our feet with the symbolic landscape of popular imagination. 

Find out the full program.

For info: unaboccatadarte.it, info@unaboccatadarte.it


  • Travo (Travo)
24 June - 24 September 2023
Info on the program
  • See the website

Information offices

IAT Bobbio
Piazza San Francesco - Bobbio (PC)
+ 39 0523 962815 iat@comune.bobbio.pc.it Opening: Annual

Editorial Staff

Redazione DT Emilia
Last update 13/12/2023

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