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Bardi is a village about 60 km from Parma in the Appennines at 625 meters above sea level, in the Ceno valley.

When to go and what to see

Dominated by the dramatic backdrop of its famous castle, the town is now a popular summer resort in a panoramic position, along the "Via Francigena".

From its position on a sheer outcrop of red jasper, in fact, the fort looms imperiously over the village and valley below.

The castle hosts the Valley Life Museum and the  Poaching and Trapping Museum (temporarily closed for restauration works).

The parish Church of Santa Maria Addolorata houses an early painting by Parmigianino, the "Sposalizio Mistico of Santa Caterina".

Several walks, rides along the "Horse trail of Taro and Ceno valley" and excursions are possible in the surroundings of Bardi, along the paths crossing peaceful hamlets or passing past isolated farmhouses surrounded by greenery.

Do not miss

Bardi is an appreciated summer resort in a panoramic position, located along the Via Francigena and dominated by the bulk of its famous and imposing Castle: an example of military architecture of the age, it stands majestically on a spur of red jasper. Inside there are the  Vally Life Museum and the Poaching and Trapping Museum (temporarily closed for restoration). Also worth visiting is the parish church of Santa Maria Addolorata; built in 1934 in the Ravenna style, it preserves in its large interior with three naves an early work by Parmigianino the "Mystical Marriage of Santa Caterina", datable to around 1522.


Dominated by the scenic bulk of its famous castle, Bardi is today an appreciated summer resort in a panoramic position. Flowery meadows, fresh streams, and beautiful walks make a tour in its surroundings worthwhile. The excursions to Monte Barigazzo are fascinating.

Information offices

Tourist Information Office Bardi
Via Pietro Cella, 5 - Bardi (PR)
+ 39 0525 733075
Last update 13/07/2020

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