Edgar Degas e i suoi amici

In Parma an exhibition to learn about the poetics of the most realistic of the Impressionists

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  • Place
    Palazzo Dalla Rosa Prati
  • Events
    Art and exhibtion
  • Interests
    Culture & Castles
  • Date
    2023 Sep 16 - Jan 6, 2024
  • Price
    See the website

From September 16, 2023 to January 7, 2024, an exhibition will introduce you to the poetics, method and artistic context of the most realistic of the Impressionists, housed in an ancient neoclassical palace next to the Baptistery and Piazza Duomo in Parma, Palazzo Dalla Rosa Prati.  

In addition to a series of important drawings, woodcuts, lithographs and pochoirs, etchings, books, heliogravures and bronze sculptures of sinuous dancers that allow us to reconstruct the creative intimacy of the painter, the exhibition presents works to understand the artistic context and, moreover, alongside works by the main protagonist of this journey through time, those of his contemporaries such as Morisot, De Nittis, Cassat, Moreau, Renoir, Raffaelli, Manet, Lepic, Guillaumin, Forain, Desboutin and Boldini.


  • Palazzo Dalla Rosa Prati
    Palazzo Dalla Rosa Prati, Strada Al Duomo, 7 - Parma (Parma)
16 September 2023 - January 6, 2024
Monday - Friday 9.30am - 7.30pm; Saturday and Sunday 9.30am - 8.30pm (December 24, 25, 26, 31 and January 1 the opening times will be different please check on the website)
  • See the website
+ 39 351 8403634

Information offices

IAT-R Parma
Strada Garibaldi, 18 - Parma (PR)
+ 39 0521 218889 turismo@comune.parma.it Opening: Annual
Last update 16/11/2023

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