Tour to discover the beauty of the Palazzo dei Congressi

Guided tour in the Grand Hôtel des Thèrmes

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The Conference Palace, formerly the Grand Hôtel des Thèrmes, is a magical place. If the walls could talk, they would have many anecdotes to tell us. They would enchant us by telling us about the whims of Queen Margherita of Savoy and the oddities of Gabriele d'Annunzio, when they were guests of the hotel inside the Palace.
And even of the many "takes" by director Bertolucci when he shot some scenes of the film "The Last Emperor" there.

In spring it will be possible to visit it during one of the tours to discover its beauty on the following days:

  • Thursday 30 March, 3.30pm
  • Thursday 13 April, 4.00pm
  • Tuesday 18 April, 4.00pm

These are free visits during which some of these stories will be told and you will be amazed by the wonders of the Salone Moresco, the Taverna Rossa and the Sala delle Cariatidi.

Information offices

IAT Salsomaggiore
Largo Roma 8 Salsomaggiore Terme (PR)
telephone:+ 39 0524 580211 Opening: Annual
Last update 25/04/2023

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