Emilia in Festival

A summer of concerts, shows, theatre, cinema, meetings

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From the enchanted scenery of historical castles to the surprising landscapes of the villages in the Park of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, from the courtyards of palaces and museums in the art cities of Parma, Piacenza and Reggio Emilia to the banks of the river Po, from the theatres resounding with the notes of Giuseppe Verdi and the great composers of classical music to auteur cinema, summer in Emilia is a concentration of original festivals, where concerts, shows, theatre, opera, exhibitions, meetings, and projections create a kaleidoscope of events uniting people, cultures and territories all waiting to be discovered!

Emilia is music

  • Summer Reggia Opera Festival: classical music vibrates in the splendid historic garden of the Reggia di Colorno (PR), a tribute to Puccini on the centenary of his death.
  • Festival Illica: the charming village of Castell'Arquato (PC) honours the famous composer from 4 to 7 July.
  • LOST - Labyrinth Original Sound Track: The Labirinto della Masone, Friday 5, Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 July, presents the fourth edition of the international art and electronic music festival.
  • From the Mississippi to the Po Festival: blues musicians will perform in the artistic spaces of Fiorenzuola d'Arda (PC).
  • Val Tidone Festival: a musical event in the Piacenza hills, 16 concerts and meetings unitil 6 August in historical and fairytale locations.
  • Festival dei Pianisti Italiani: great musicians will perform on 15, 18, 25 and 18 July and then on 25 September in the Chiostri di San Pietro and Palazzo Da Mosto in Reggio Emilia, and at Villa Malenchini in Parma.
  • Renata Tebaldi Torrechiara Festival: In the splendid settings of the Cortile d'Onore of the Castle and the cloister of the Badia di S. Maria della Neve in Torrechiara the new edition of the Festival, from 7 to 26 July.
  • Montecchio Unplugged, Festival of Street Music: event dedicated to live music in the historic centre of Montecchio Emilia (RE).
  • Bleech Festival: boutique festival to be experienced at a slow pace in the Piacenza countryside from 29 August to 1 September.

Culture in the embrace of nature

  • Val Nure Festival "Splinters of History": until 9 August at seven locations in the Valley.
  • Nuove Esplosioni - Sciara Val d'Arda Festival: until 5 July, many immersive experiences and international stimuli in the beautiful municipalities along the millenary Via dei Monasteri Regi that runs up the river valley.
  • Festival del Teatro Antico: until 21 July in the archeological area of Veleia (PC), 6 appointments with ancient theatre and nationally renowned actors.
  • Bascherdeis - International Festival of Street Artists in Vernasca (PC): street artists from various corners of the world will enchant visitors from 2 to 4 August.
  • Appennino Festival: music, poetry, culture, but also food and agriculture in the extraordinary landscape of the Apennines of Piacenza can be experienced from 30 July to 22 September.
  • L'uomo che cammina - NonFestival di Sacro e Natura: a high-level cultural programme in the municipalities of Castelnovo ne' Monti, Vetto d'Enza and Villa Minozzo.
  • Festival Mundus: in the Reggio Emilia from 2 July to 1 August. With an artistic proposal that crosses every boundary, from the best local jazz to the most fascinating and engaging international world music, from tributes to great auteur music to "mestizo" projects that combine different genres with innovative music from every corner of the world.

Cinema, what a passion

  • Bobbio Film Festival: from 27 July to 3 August in the cloister of the Abbey of San Colombano in Bobbio, a famous film festival featuring every evening a film released in cinemas during the previous edition.
  • Concorto Film Festival: in Parco Raggio in Pontenure (PC) along the Via Emilia, an international competition dedicated to short films from 17 to 24 August.

Last update 25/06/2024